Make an order

1. Introduction

The use of websites implies that you agree to our terms and conditions. The on-line store functions according to the European Union legal terms of business conduct. SAVA ANDREI INTREPRINDERE INDIVIDUALA reserves it's right to modify without notice the structure or the information on . 


2. Partners

The products available on are acquired/bought either directly from the companies that make the product or thru authorised resellers of the brands. The products are sold and delivered in original packaging. Considering the quality, authenticity and any other concerns of a certain brand/product the customer can directly address to the original brand maker or to the Romanian distributor which has a reseller contract with. 


3. Stock

All products sold on are from internal stock.

The online stock might not be 100% accurate, as it is not updated in real time. In case your order is not complete you will be informed in the shortest time possible. 


4. How to buy?

Pentru a pune produsul in cosul de cumparaturi, dati un click pe butonul "Adauga in cos". 

In cazul in care doriti sa achizitionati mai multe bucati ale aceluiasi produs aveti posibilitatea sa mariti numarul acestora de la butonul  “Cantitate”.

Toate produsele cumparate apar in “Coș” (cosul de cumparaturi). Pentru a vedea tot continutul cosului de cumparaturi apasati butonul “Coș”, pozitionat in partea dreapta sus pe pagina

Pentru validarea comenzii, trebuie sa fie introduse datele de autentificare, respectiv datele pentru facturare si un nr. de telefon unde puteti fi contactat pentru confirmarea acesteia.

In cazul in care sunteti pentru prima data in magazin, este necesar sa va inregistrati ca si client, selectand optiunea "Creati un cont nou" care se afla pe pagina “Autentificare”, care se acceseaza prin apasarea butonului “Autentificare” pozitionat in partea de sus, dreapta a paginii

Acest lucru va simplifica executarea unei comenzi ulterioare, datele initiale fiind inregistrate in baza de date, iar la urmatoarea intrare in magazin vor fi necesare numai datele de autentificare, selectand ‘Autentificare‘

La introducerea datelor Dvs., campurile marcate cu * sunt obligatoriu de completat.

Pentru confirmarea executarii comenzii, veti fi contactat fie telefonic, unde este cazul, fie prin notificari e-mail de un operator in vederea stabilirii ultimelor detalii cu privire la modul livrare si plata, daca mai sunt nelamuriri in aceasta privinta.


5. Taxes

The final price shown in the cart is the final price supported by the customer/buyer.


6. How to pay?

Payment can be done:

In cash, to the curier, available only for Romanian customers. 


Online with credit card thru EuPlatesc (Visa/Visa Electron/MasterCard/Maestro).

or via

Prin Paypal

If you chose online payment with credit card, it is mandatory to fill out a form with your credit card information on a secured SSL page, to process the payment.


7. Shipping

- Fan Courier - for Romanian customers

- UPS - for international customers. 


The package will be accompanied by an invice.

Please inform the curier if the package is damaged in any way, either refuse the package or ask the curier to make a note that the package was damaged, if any of the products are damaged inside the package. SAVA ANDREI INTREPRINDERE INDIVIDUALA is not liable for any damage caused by the courier companies, if the packages were received without any notice to the courier company that the package was damaged in any way.


8. Parcel Insurance

Parcel Insurance is optional for packages sent out via Fan Courier, to/in Romania. 

All international parcels will be insured to the total value of the package content. 

Happy shopping!